All the Most Offensive Things You Don’t Dare Think About

How I ended up with the best (and most insane) job ever

Edward John
4 min readJul 16, 2023
Image by user18526052 on Freepik

This year marks a major turning point for me, and it took me totally by surprise.

I now get paid reasonably good money to deliberately make AI say dangerous and offensive things. When I left college 25 years ago, I never expected this. But here I am, and it’s bonkers.

But before I get into the details of that, let me tell you how this all came about.

A Very Brief Summary of the Past 25 Years

  • Left college in 1998 after reluctantly studying IT.
  • Tried to be a programmer. Failed.
  • Tried many other jobs over the years. Mostly failed and struggled in most work situations.
  • Got diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome in 2012.
  • Worked part-time as a Website Administrator from 2013 to 2021.
  • Tried various side hustles over the years: affiliate marketing, matched betting, eBay selling. None of them ever quite took off.
  • Did some freelance writing at various times over the years. Became pretty good at it.
  • Joined Medium in July 2021.



Edward John

Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom