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Stupid bloody carry on if you ask me

Footnotes in Books — Why I Both Love and Hate Them in Equal Measure

I like the concept, but having them at the bottom of the page is a stupid idea. And who likes stupid ideas? I certainly don’t, and I suspect you are probably the same, even though I don’t know you, unless I do, in which case, hello again!

Edward John


Image by Here and now, unfortunately, ends my journey on Pixabay from Pixabay

Sometimes, footnotes can be hilarious!

For example, Stewart Lee’s book How I Escaped My Certain Fate — The Life and Deaths of a Stand-Up Comedian, is filled with many amusing footnotes. In fact, some pages are taken up more by footnotes than the main text!

But there is a big problem with footnotes — their position on the page.

When I’m reading the main text, the connection with a footnote will be indicated by a symbol such as an asterisk (*). (By the way, that particular asterisk is for demonstration purposes only. There is no footnote relating to it. Just in case you were wondering. Which you probably weren’t.)

The problem is, if I’m reading quickly (Which, by the way, is the proper way to read. Unless you’re proofreading, you shouldn’t be fixating on



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