I got my AI tool to turn your text into a single paagraph and then asked it to rewrite in the style of William Shakespeare. Here is the result:
From the morrow hence, I shall forgo Grammarly's aid, and solely peruse the works of writers whom I follow. I doth not vest my trust in Medium's AI recommendations or AI-powered software, such as MidJourney or Dall-E 2. Naught but Unsplash shall furnish my illustrations. I shall abstain from reading the works of those who chance to operate a Tesla, for I once composed a poor article whilst in such a vehicle and doth not wish to risk the pernicious influence of AI autopilot. I have deleted my Twitter account and unsubscribed from my internet provider, Starlink, to eschew any association therewith. I pray that Medium doth not employ AI as a watchful eye to oversee compliance or the detection of plagiarism or hateful speech. I shall refrain from entertaining foreign views on my works, for oft they come from readers utilizing AI-powered search engines. If thou wishest to peruse my articles, leave thy address in the comments, and I shall deliver them in person, without recourse to an AI-powered sorting system.