I think it can be helpful to think of Medium as a long form of social media which we get paid for. With sites like Twitter and Facebook, you only get anything out of them if you use them every day and properly engage with people on them. You can't just occasionally post stuff and expect the world to suddenly stop and take notice. One post can easily just get buried in the avalanche of continuous new posts. So you have to be continuously shouting to get heard.
But actually, you can repeat yourself a bit. This links to what you were saying about reposting old articles. A while back, somebody said they noticed that Tim Denning recyles a lot of his old work. He just re-words things a bit to turn them into new articles. But basically, he's cycling through the same stuff repeatedly. He can do that because his audiences is continuously changing.
But what that means for us long-term members is that we can perhaps unfollow someone after a while if we notice we keep seeing the same type of content from them over and over again.