I think my first article about COVID-19 was the first one of mine you commented on. Searching my profile, it seems I posted about it four times: August, September, November, and then a quick shortform post in January. But I decided not to make a habit of posting about it as I didn't want to risk getting banned. I also didn't want to ram it down people's throats or be telling anyone what to do. It's no more my place to tell other people not to get vaccinated than it is for other people to say I should get vaccinated.
But I have tabs in my spreadsheet from July 2021 to April 2022, so that's how long I was looking at the data. For 10 months I was monitoring the official data, and not once was I convinced enough to take the vaccine. After April, the Government stopped releasing the data. Perhaps because they realised it didn't look too good?
I think I concluded that, on the whole, people were slightly more likely to get COVID if they were unvaccinated, but slightly more likely to die if they were vaccinated. To me, it seemed so marginal, and when factoring in the possibility of adverse effects, I wasn't convinced it was worth it.
In hindsight, these vaccines didn't seem to quite live up to their promise. We were led to believe that once we had the vaccines, people would be fully protected and life could soon go back to normal. But it didn't quite pan out like that, did it!
Would COVID have been worse without the vaccines? I don't know. All I know is, it's everyone's right to make their own informed choice.
And there are so many anecdotal reports in both directions. My friend's nextdoor neighbour was unvaccinated and died. My nextdoor neighbour was vaccinated but still died. My elderly parents were vaccinated and didn't seem to get any adverse effects. Everyone seems to be different.
And what about the fact that people weren't allowed to seek compensation if they had bad reactions? These were people who risked their own lives for the greater good. Anyone injured by these vaccines should be fully cared for like wounded war heroes.