I wonder if the person who found them offensive spoke to the pub owners about it before contacting the Police?
Some people seem to have this expectation that they should never be exposed to anything that offends them. But even so, choose something that's actually worth getting angry about. There's plenty of that going on in the world.
I could understand the police removing them if the dolls had big penises on them, if she had them arranged in sex poses, or if she attached little signs to them saying "all blacks are rapist paedophiles". I mean, come on. Some people need to learn what being offensive really looks like.
My mum's cousin recently had an incident where a man in a park tried to punch her, and then he kicked her dog and injured it. When she reported it to the police, they weren't interested.
It seems like the police here were virtue signalling, trying to demonstrate that they care about offensive behaviour. But actually, they just mamde themselves look silly.