Someone Wrote an 8-Minute Response to “3 Reasons God Cannot Possibly Exist”

Thank you for the opportunity to write yet another article on this topic

Edward John
6 min readMar 13, 2022


Image by Thomas B. from Pixabay

So, I wrote this:

Then Street Theologian responded by writing this 8-minute article:

So, I am responding with this further article, addressing each of their main points.

Why is there something rather than nothing?

“Why there is something rather than nothing. The universe does not exist by necessity as it had a beginning. The beginning must be timeless, spaceless, immaterial as the beginning of the universe represents the beginning of time, space and matter as we know it.”

How does that in any way prove there is a God? What you say could be true without there needing to be a conscious being that listens to people’s prayers.

Are we more than chemicals?

“The existence of will, intent and mind. These point to the fact one can detach themselves from the chemical processes in their head which make no sense if one is simply a result of material physical forces. The existence of an immaterial cause driving this consciousness would point to God.”

You’ve made two logical leaps here:

  1. What evidence do you have that will, intent and mind are not possible as merely brain processes?
  2. Even if that were true, how does it prove that a God created us, watches over us, and listens to our prayers?

Moral values

“If God does not exist, objective moral values do not exist. Objective…



Edward John

Winnie the Pooh enthusiast. edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom