Thank you. I have clapped and responded to it.
The number of claps means how much somebody liked it. 1 claps means they liked it a tiny bit. 50 claps means they think it's awesome.
Try not to worry too much about how well individual stories do. It varies so much, and it can be difficult to predict. Also, a story can suddenly get loads o views a month or two after being published. For example, the main story that earned me so much money in October I actually published in August. It got hardly any views at first, then two months later it suddenly took off.
You will get better at writing the more you write, and also the more you read. When you read other people's stories, notice what you like about their style of writing and what you don't like. I also recommend Hemingway app and Grammarly. And edit your stories several times before you publish them. I only publish mine once I get to the point where I can read through it and not find a single word I want to change. That's the secret of great writing - thorough editing. Sometimes my first drafts can be big piles of shit.