Thanks. I've not had any work through Upwork yet. I nearly have, but not quite. But I keep applying for jobs on there and other freelance sites every day lately.
At the moment, I am receiving some Universal Credit to top up my earnings a bit, but my adviser says that if they don't see enough of an increase in my earnings by my next appointment in a month's time, I will probably have to be considered a jobseeker rather than a self-employed businesss owner, so I will have to look for "normal" jobs then. But I do have my Asperger's diagnosis these days, so I will hopefully get more help and less pressure put on me than I used to before my diagnosis.
The last main "normal" job I had, which I did for nearly 8 years part time, happened as a result of the help I got following my diagnosis, so who knows...
I think the issue with Medium is probably due to the algorithm trying to level the playing field, so to speak. I get recommended self-published stories from writers I don't follow, sometimes new writers with not that many followers. So Medium seems to be trying to push new writers a bit.
Medium is a good place to have fun practicing your writing, and to read and respond to other people's writing. It's kind of like a long form social media site that you get a bit of money from.