The Return of the Postman: a Silly Story I Wrote in 2009

WARNING: This is very juvenile and weird. If you are looking for something normal and sensible, please go away and come back later.

Edward John
6 min readOct 12, 2022
Image by Elisa from Pixabay. Edited with Canva.

Last night, I was looking through old stuff on my computer and found this ridiculous story from 2009. It is very silly, even compared to the silly things I sometimes write these days.

But it’s not like I was a child when I wrote it. I was already 30 by then.

But the beauty of this story is that I wrote it purely for the joy of writing it. It wasn’t to earn money or impress anyone. I was merely entertaining myself, which is the purest form of creativity.

Anyway, here it is without any edits.

The Return of the Postman

I was having a dream about unicorns and dungeons and dragons and ice cream vans on stilts and marmalade in peoples eyes, when I woke up to the sound of someone banging on the front door. It was a Sunday, who could it be on a Sunday? I got up and looked out the window. It was the postman, but he wasn’t wearing his postman uniform.

I went downstairs, still in my Dennis the Menace pajamas, and opened the door. “Hello Mr Postman, you are not wearing your…



Edward John

Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom