Would You Go to an Amusement Park and Not Go On the Rides?

Edward John
3 min readMay 5, 2024
Image source: Pixabay

Imagine the following scenario:

You and your friends regularly visit amusement parks. You all have loads of fun going on the rides.

This goes on for many years and it becomes a fundamental part of your social life. Most of your friends are amusement park friends. It’s where you have most of your fun, and it’s how you connect with like-minded fun people.

But then one day, something changes.

You suddenly decide that you no longer want to go on the rides. It’s all become too much for you. You’re tired of bouncing around until you eventually vomit.

But the problem is, all your friends are amusement park friends. So, you continue to go to these amusement parks and hang out with your friends. But you never go on any of the rides. Instead, you just sit at the side, looking bored.

Your friends wonder why you are not joining them on the rides. You try to explain to them why, but they don’t really understand, and they tease you for not wanting to join in. To them, you’re no fun anymore.

This is an absurd situation, right?

Any idiot could see that it’s daft to continue to go to amusement parks if you don’t enjoy amusement parks anymore. Go somewhere else…



Edward John

Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom